“Thinking about buying your first home?” Free First-Time HomeBuyer Info Session – Sat., April 5th – in person at the Bank and on Zoom

Canton, Mass. – Canton Co-operative Bank will once again be sponsoring its free community First-Time HomeBuyer Info Session on Saturday, April 5th from 10AM until 11:30AM in-person at the Bank and on Zoom.

The popular program gives first-time homebuyers the chance to get objective answers to all of their questions from a local banker, a local REALTOR® and a local real estate attorney who will share what they wish every homebuyer knew about buying a home in this market.

The First-Time HomeBuyer Info Session will be hosted by Canton Co-operative VP/Senior Loan Officer Anabela Vargas with REALTOR® Mikel DeFrancesco of William Raveis Real Estate and real estate attorney Michelle Tiews of Vieira & DiGianfilippo.

“First-time homebuyers have a lot of questions and concerns,” Anabela Vargas said. “Especially today. At Canton Co-operative, we’re offering this small group workshop in-person at the Bank and on Zoom to help people get objective information that will move them closer to successfully buying their first home or their next home.”

The Info Session is free and reservations are required. Register online 24/7 at cantoncoopbank.com or call Anabela Vargas at 781-828-8811 x370.

Right next to the Post Office, Canton Co-operative Bank has been Canton’s bank since 1891 and is rated “5-Star for Strength & Stability” as “one of the strongest banks in the country,” according to bank-rating service BauerFinancial of CoralGables, Florida. All deposits are insured by the FDIC the Depositors Insurance Fund (DIF). Canton Co-operative is an Equal Housing Lender. (NMLS #721437) The phone number is 781-828-8811. Anabela Vargas – NMLS #582849 – Falo Português.

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